Here is a follow-up to the basic slack key turnaround #1 lesson. Here we see another common type of turnaround plus a variation that can be used over a D7-G vamp.
Tag Archives: Slack Key Turnaround
SLACK 231 • Descending Slack Key Turnaround #2
This is a follow-up to the taro patch runs and picking patterns in lesson SLACK 230. This run starts higher up on the neck and requires a cutaway on your guitar. If you don’t have a cutaway, you can try to come up with some of your own variations on the patterns in SLACK 230 using some of the ideas from this lesson.
SLACK 230 • Descending Slack Key Turnaround #1
This lesson shows you how to play a descending turnaround in Taro Patch (Open G) tuning. This is a very common type of turnaround in Hawaiian slack key music and also makes a good exercise for those looking to move from beginner to intermediate territory. The tip to keep your left hand stationary (or even just using open strings) while focusing on your right hand picking pattern for 5 to 10 minutes is a good thing to keep in mind if you find yourself having trouble with the run.
SLACK 201 • Basic Slack Key Turnaround #1
Here is a very common type of slack key turnaround in Taro Patch (Open G) tuning. The turnaround resolves from a D7 to a G chord and can be played in just about any song in Taro Patch tuning.